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Introduction to BioCyc for Life Sciences Graduate Students, Postdocs and Faculty (4 parts)

Introduction to BioCyc for Life Sciences Graduate Students, Postdocs and Faculty (4 parts) Online

Introduction to BioCyc for Life Sciences Graduate Students, Postdocs and Faculty (4 parts)

BioCyc is an extensive web portal containing 20,000 genomes and associated metabolic pathways for microbes, model eukaryotes, and humans. The BioCyc website provides extensive bioinformatics tools for searching and analyzing these databases, and leveraging them for analysis of omics datasets.

BioCyc will be presenting a series of Zoom tutorials designed to introduce new graduate students and post-docs in the life sciences to important features of the BioCyc website (https://biocyc.org).

Free - Registration is required directly with BioCyc, please register here.

We will cover the following topics in each presentation.

Introduction to BioCyc - October 20 at 12pm-1pm, EST

BioCyc data content Database selection Search operations Gene and transcription-unit pages Genome browser Extracting sequences, BLAST search, sequence pattern search 

Metabolism in BioCyc - October 27 at 12pm-1pm, EST

Pathway, metabolite, and reaction pages Zoomable metabolic network diagram Metabolic network explorer Metabolic route search Atom mappings Regulation in BioCyc Transcriptomics and 

Metabolomics Data Analysis - November 3 at 12pm-1pm, EST

Omics Dashboard Displaying high-throughput data on individual pathways and metabolic network diagrams Pathway collages Enrichment analysis Pathway covering 

SmartTables and Comparative Analysis - November 10 at 12pm-1pm, EST

Using SmartTables to store, share, and analyze lists of genes and metabolites Multi-organism search Orthologs in BioCyc Comparative genome browser Comparative analysis tables 


Each tutorial will last for hour and will start at 9:00am US Pacific time (12:00pm US Eastern time). We will be monitoring chat during each session and will answer as many questions as possible during the session or afterwards as time allows.

To secure a license for BioCyc as a Tufts community member, please use the following link: https://biocyc.org/ptools-license-intermediate.shtml


Thursday, October 20, 2022 Show more dates
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event.
Event URL:
  Bioinformatics Workshop  

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Profile photo of Adelaide Rhodes
Adelaide Rhodes

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

Research Technology